ear piercing
Ear piercing takes place in our relaxing treatment rooms using the quick, hygienic Studex 75 Ear Piercing System with your choice from a selection of 9ct gold, white gold or titanium studs. *(C) (D) (HM) (P) (PM)
Beauty Specialist: £47.65 | Beauty Therapist: £49.80 | Senior Therapist: £51.95
* Under 16's must be accompanied by their own parent or legal guardian.
* Earrings must not be removed from the ears for the first 6 weeks after piercing and then for the first 12 months it is advisable to wear earrings all the time. Please check school policy on wearing earrings (especially during P.E. lessons) as holes may close over if plasters aren't allowed and the school insists on earrings being removed.

Guide to Contra-Indications
(C) Cancer
(P) Pregnancy
(RM) Restricted Mobility
(D) Diabetes
(16+) Not suitable for under 16's
(HM) Heart Medication
(WV) Warts / Verruca
(F) Fungal nail infection
(A) Antibiotics
(CJ) Conjunctivitis
(CS) Cold Sores
(E) Epilepsy
(PM) Pacemaker
(TH) Thrombosis / Phlebitis
(THY) Thyroid Problems